One of the greatest concerns in meat industry is the cleaning of the production lines. Blood, viscera, and other organic substances make the cleaning diffucult and therefore, obtaining optimum sanitary conditions. That is why in food industry, and particularly in meat industry, all conveying systems have to be entirely accessible in order to carry out their cleaning.
The EUROBELT plastic modular belts can be moved, taken off, lifted, even easily dismantled, in order to allow the access to the most difficult areas to be cleaned. Some belts have been specially designed for carrying out continuous cleaning without stopping the production line.

Some years ago the plastic modular belts implied a technical revolution in the seafood industry. The conventional conveyor belts were very rapidly replaced due to tears caused by stones trailed together with the fish, or by the cutting tools used by processors. Every boat required a storage room to keep spare belts for every production line, as they could not be repaired in such a humid environment.
On the other hand, just one box with some spare parts is enough for repairing the plastic modular belts of every conveyor.
On land, the plastic modular belts will work in fish refrigerating rooms, without absorbing any water, flavour, or smell, solving adherence problems of the frozen product on the belt. So, our OPEN GRID belts avoid the loss of product in the return way of glazing machines. Likewise our C12 belt allows the conveyance of fish fillets without deforming them.

The poultry abattoirs handle a lot of product in their cutting rooms and require a good asepsis.
The EUROBELT plastic modular belts enable to convey the poultry meat directly on the belt, as well as inside trays or plastic containers, with the sanitary guarantee provided by the easy cleaning of our belts.
There is no problem in working at low temperatures, so that the product can be frozen directly on our belts, which involves advantages of lightness, flexibility, and frost easy removal.
Our belts do not get smell or retain bacterial contamination after proper washing, as they are manufactured with plastics whose absorption rate is minimum.