Duratron PBI

DURATRON PBI offers the highest temperature resistance and best mechanical property retention of all unfilled thermoplastics.

DURATRON PBI offers the highest temperature resistance and best mechanical property retention of all unfilled thermoplastics. Thanks to its unique property profile, DURATRON PBI might bring the ultimate solution when no other plastics material can. It is a very appealing material to high-tech industries such as semiconductor, aircraft and aerospace industries.

Key Benefits:

  •  Excellent wear and frictional behaviour
  • Inherent low flammability
  • Good electrical insulating and dielectric properties
  • Low out gassing in vacuum (dry material)
  • High purity in terms of ionic contamination
  • Excellent resistance against high energy radiation (gamma and X-rays)


  • Pump components
  • Valve seals (high tech valves)
  •  Bearings
  • Rollers
  • High temperature insulators
  • Parts for electronic equipment manufacture
  • Replacement of metals and ceramics


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