Plastics Troubleshooting
When machining plastic stock shapes, remember...
- Thermal expansion is up to 10 times greater with plastics than metals
- Plastics lose heat more slowly than metals, so avoid localised overheating
- Softening (and melting) temperatures of plastics are much lower than metals
- Plastics are much more elastic than metals
Because of these differences, you may wish to experiment with fixtures, tool materials, angles, speeds and feed rates to obtain optimum results.
DRILLINGOpen or Close
Problem Caused Common Cause Tapered drill hole Incorrectly sharpened drill - cutting edges not symmetrical
Drill speed in relation to feed not correct
Insufficient clearance
Feed too heavyBurnt or melted surface Wrong type drill
Drill speed in relation to feed not correct
Incorrectly sharpened drill
Feed too light
Worn flutes on drill
Check tool clearanceChipping of surfaces Feed too heavy
Clearance too great
Too much rake
Material not clamped properly - movement on materialChatter Too much clearance
Feed too light
Drill over-hang too great
Too much rake
Check PRMFeed markes or spiral lines
on inside diameterMaterial not square
Feed too heavy
Drill not centered
Drill ground off-centreOversize holes Insufficient clearance
Feed rate too heavy
Point angle too greatUndersize holes Dull drill or worn flutes
Too much clearance
Point angle too smallHoles not concentric Feed rate too heavy
Spindle speed too slow
Drill enters next piece too far
Cut-off tool leaves nib, which deflects drill
Drill speed too heavy at start
Drill not mounted on centre
Drill not sharpened correctlyRapid dulling of drill bit Feed too light
Spindle speed too fast
Insufficient lubrication from coolant
Check support under work piece -
SAW CUTTING Open or Close
Problem Caused Common Cause Melted surface Blunt saw blade
Insufficient side clearanceRough finish Feed too heavy
Saw blade improperly sharpened
Cutting edge not honed
Saw blade wrong sidedSpiral marks Saw blade rubs against material during its retreat
Burr on point of toolConcave or convex surfaces Point angle too great
Tool not perpendicular to spindle
Tool deflecting (use negative rake)
Feed too fast
Tool mounted above or below centreNibs or burrs at cut-off point Point angle not great enough
Saw blade blunt or not honed
Feed too fast -
TURNING & BORING Open or Close
Problem Caused Common Cause Melted surface Tool blunt or heel rubbing
Insufficient side clearance
Feed rate too slow
Spindle speed too fastRough finish Feed too heavy
Incorrect clearance angles
Sharp point on tool (slight nose radius required)
Tool not mounted on centreBurrs at edge of cut No chamfer provided at sharp corners
Blunt tool
Insufficient side clearance
Lead angle not provided on tool
(tool should ease out of cut gradually, not suddenly)Cracking or chipping of corners Too much positive rake on tool
Tool not eased into cut (tool suddenly his work)
Blunt tool
Tool mounted below centre
Sharp point on tool (slight nose radius required)Chatter Too much nose radius on tool
Tool not mounted solidly
Material not supported properly